Summer ready!

Having a laser treatment over the summer doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying your summer. With the weather warming up (FINALLY) and the festive season upon us we just want to give everyone a little reminder of your laser aftercare so you can still enjoy the outdoors and take care of your treated area:


Slip, Slop, Slap:

Remember Sid the Seagull? Well he knows what’s up when out in the sun.

Slip on clothing that is going to protect your tattoo

Slop on some SPF30 or higher

Slap on a hat


Fun in the sun:

Yes I know we live in Australia & boy does it get warm. But try to avoid direct sun exposure, hot tubs, pool water and salt water as much as possible until the area is healed. Generally 7-10 days. In between treatments you don’t have to completely hide away to protect the treated area, simply keep the area protected with sunscreen or clothing when out in the sun for long periods of time.


Doing it for the tan:

No active tan, self-tanner, bronzers or spray tan for 7 days after your last treatment. If this is unavoidable, pop a bit of Vaseline over the tattoo and wipe off after you have applied your tan. And of course in between treatments you can tan as much as you like, just be sure to make sure there is no tan left on the treated area when it comes around to your next appointment.


Drink for your ink:

Yes I know we say this all of the time but, drink LOTS of water! This not only rehydrates your skin but helps flush the ink particles through your system. This therefor helps your tattoo fade YAY!


… So there you have it! You can still enjoy your summer and continue treatments without having to hide away from the sun by following our easy to follow recommendations!

Remember if you have any questions or concerns over summer you can always contact us on Facebook, email or flick us a message on 0421132734.

We are here for you even over the festive season!

Happy Days from the LaserTat team.